Friday, February 5, 2010


so much!
applying to go back to grad school
applying for financial aid
writing a 10-minute presentation
babysitting interviews so i can make money
(to pay for grad school)
after-school program
new mexico for a week
valentine's day
philadelphia for a weekend
for the conference and my 10-minute presentation
it's good stuff
but a lot.
trying not to get overwhelmed!
this weekend we'll be snowed in
and i am only working,
except for when we go ice skating
with my students on sunday.


michaelpanda said...

what are you going back to school for?

And I'm sad we can't meet up in China this summer.

I miss you buddy :(

kris said...

i'm getting a second master's in special education this time. i'm sad we can't meet up, too. :( it's been a long time!
i'm getting a puppy this month. when are you coming to new york?

michaelpanda said...

i saw j00r puppah on facebook. SO CUTE!

when am i coming to NYC... that is a great question. I'm thinking of applying for my permanent residency here so... umm, I'm not sure. LOL BUT I WANNA VIST J00!